Spring, 2019
Help with "Plot3d"
ATMS 502 / CSE 566
Numerical Fluid Dynamics
Updated  Tue. Apr. 23

Using Plot3d

If you haven't used plot3d, here is a short demonstration you can do to become familiar with it.
You'll be plotting data from the "TestA2" case; routine 'putfield' names your program output RunHistory.dat;
I moved this file and renamed it to be: ~tg457444/502/Pgm6/plot3d_testA2.dat
  1. To use the latest version of plot3d, create a link from my directory to yours (so you are always running the latest version of the code):

          cd  your-directory-for-testing
          ln  -s  ~tg457444/502/Tools/plot3d  plot3d

    You will run plot3d normally with this link.  If you prefer, you can simply copy the program, but the link ("ln")
    approach means you are always using my latest version.  After copying or making the above link, just type plot3d to run it.

  2. Run plot3d on one of the program #6 test cases; I have put output from my program 6 run there. 
    To see my TestA2 results, do the following

          plot3d  ~tg457444/502/Pgm6/plot3d_testA2.dat    (if you don't give a name - i.e. just type plot3d - it looks for file "RunHistory.dat")

  3. For this demo you can take the defaults to the first three questions, i.e. hit return three times when you start the program.

  4. To get help, type help or a question mark.

  5. In my calls to putfield, I named my output T, U, V, W, and P. 
    To plot a 3d view of T, do the following:

          You are asked: "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  T        (this is the name I gave theta when calling 'putfield' from my program)
          You are asked: "Enter list of types of plots" ... type: 3d        (one of four plot types described below)
          You are asked: "Enter x,y,z eye position"    ... type:
    <hit return to take the default viewing angle>
          You are asked: "Enter isosurface value(s)" ... type:
    -10        (the TestA2 initial thermal is -20˚; you will plot regions colder than -10˚)

    An idt window should appear if you have X-windows running; step through the 3d plots (until T=800 for my
    TestA2.dat data set)

  6. When done viewing with idt, simply close the idt window, or return to your ssh window and type control-C.  You are then asked:

          "To rename gmeta enter name now, or hit return to just continue"  <just hit return to skip this and continue>

  7. "3d" is one of four plot types available to you.  The plot types include:
    • 3d (simple wireframe view; you are asked for position ("eye") of the viewer; default is northeast of the domain 'box');
    • xy (horizontal slice; you are asked for what "K" index to use; default is K=1, i.e. the surface ... for no-slip, you may prefer K=2);
    • xz (vertical "east-west" slice; you are asked for a "J" index; default is ny/2 or (ny-1)/2, i.e. a XZ slice through the domain center);
    • yz (vertical "north-south" slice; you are asked for an "I" index; default is nx/2 or (nx-1)/2, i.e. a YZ slice through the domain center)

  8. To plot a XY slice of theta for TestA2, try typing:

          You are asked: "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  T  
          You are asked: "Enter list of types of plots" ... type: xy
          You are asked: "Enter K for xy plots"         ... type:   
    9       (level k=9 is the center of the cold thermal at time 0)
          You are asked: "Enter contour interval(s)" ... type:
        1       (draws theta contours every 1˚)

    An idt window should appear; step through the plots; close the window when done, and hit return to skip the "To rename.." question.

  9. To plot a YZ slice of theta for TestA2, try typing:

          You are asked: "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  T  
          You are asked: "Enter list of types of plots" ... type: yz
          You are asked: "Enter I for yz plots"          ... type:  
    <hit return to take the default YZ slice in the middle of the domain>
          You are asked:
    "Enter contour interval(s)" ... type:    1      (draws theta contours every 1 meter/second)

    An idt window should appear; step through the plots; close the window when done, and hit return to skip the "To rename.." question.

Saving up plots for printing

If you know you want specific plots, you can run plot3d for particular times and plot types.
To do so ...
  1. Say you want Theta, xy, level 5, contour interval 1˚, followed by Theta YZ slices also with a contour interval of 1˚:

    Start plot3d.

          "Should this program call IDT?" batch               (this setting will not call IDT and will accumulate all plots until you quit)
          "Enter title for all plots" <enter title, or hit return>
          "Enter dx (meters), [return=50]:"  <hit return>

          "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  T  
          "Enter list of types of plots" ... type: xy
          "Enter K for xy plots"         ... type:   
    "Enter contour interval(s)" ... type:    1
      (with the 'batch' setting chosen above, you will not be asked to "rename gmeta" - you are just prompted for new plot choices)

          "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  T  
          "Enter list of types of plots" ... type: yz
          "Enter I for yz plots"          ... type: 
    <hit return for default vertical slice in domain middle>
    "Enter contour interval(s)" ... type:    1
    "Enter fields to plot"            ... type:  exit

  2. Your plots are in the file gmeta; run ~tg457444/bin/metagif if you wish.


The defaults for most things should be fine.  You do have these choices, at present: (type these at the "Enter fields" prompt)
  • set            (just typing "set" produces the help listing, including the "set" options)
  • set HL      (to choose H/L settings including min/max numerical values, etc)
  • set max    (not stats!  This plots a XY map of a given field showing the max at each grid point over all times in your file)
  • set times   (to choose a starting and ending time to plot from your data; default is plot all times)
  • set track   ("tracks" the theta min (or max if you wish) & prints a 3x3 block of values for all fields at this location, for all times)
  • set vis5d   (to choose vis5d settings)

Producing a data set for plot3d

A demo program shows you how.  In ~tg457444/502/Pgm6[/C or /Fortran - pick the appropriate subdirectory] there are files demo-write.f90 and putfield.f  (and similar files for C); compile using the Makefile in each [C or Fortran] directory.

Run it by typing demo-write ... it will create a file RunHistory.dat - recall this is the default for plot3d, so to plot this file, type

(with no arguments, it looks for RunHistory.dat)

In your program, put in calls to putfield where you previously had contr() calls.  You will probably want to average u, v, and w to the common (theta) points and pass (theta-thetabar), and in each case put these fields in an array dimensioned (nx,ny,nz) - pass that to putfield.  Each call to putfield accumulates data in the file RunHistory.dat.  When your program finishes, you can plot your data with plot3d.

Data tracking

It can be useful to 'track' data near your theta min (or theta max) for the first 10 time steps or so.  Tracking asks if you want to track (follow) the theta minimum or theta maximum in your domain; you then choose to produce xy, xz, or yz data centered on your theta min/max.  For example, tracking data might look like:

These are 3x3 blocks of numbers for a test I ran.

The variable name (T, P, U, V, W) appears at left; the K index runs top-to-bottom, and the I index runs left-to-right. They are all centered on (in this case) the theta min perturbation, which is still -20.0000 at this time at grid location (17,17,9).

You can read the I, J, and K locations from the text. At the theta min location (T'=-20), P' is -0.48489, U=V=0, and W=-0.64155. 
=============== Time:    1.000 ==============
(j= 17) I = 16 17 18
K= 10: -18.49710 -19.23880 -18.49710
T: K= 9: -19.23880 -20.00000 -19.23880
K= 8: -18.49710 -19.23880 -18.49710
(j= 17) I = 16 17 18
K= 10: -1.14819 -1.18482 -1.14819
P: K= 9: -0.46632 -0.48489 -0.46632
K= 8: 0.32119 0.32350 0.32119
(j= 17) I = 16 17 18
K= 10: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
U: K= 9: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
K= 8: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
(j= 17) I = 16 17 18
K= 10: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
V: K= 9: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
K= 8: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
(j= 17) I = 16 17 18
K= 10: -0.59366 -0.61761 -0.59366
W: K= 9: -0.61698 -0.64155 -0.61698
K= 8: -0.59366 -0.61761 -0.59366

Vis5d a very old visualization tool that is still in limited use

To make a Vis5D file from your data, I suggest the following:  from within plot3d, enter

      set vis5d
      2.0              (stretches vertical dimension 2x; makes nicer looking plots)
     <return>     (takes default (maximum) compression of your data)
     <return>     (skips showing info on your final Vis5D file; enter "y" if you want it)

then type (still from within plot3d)


You are asked first for the name of the vis5d file (hit return for the default run.v5d), and
for a range of times to include in your file, and an interval (e.g. "5 300 5" to plot times 5 to 300 at 5 second intervals).
Then you are prompted "Run Vis5D now?" - hit return if so (return = yes).
You are given a chance to change vis5d options; hit return to take the default, or enter your own.

If you get an error message "connection refused by server ... Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE" etc, login out and back in and return.
To avoid this annoying message, starting "xclock &" when you start your X-window session may keep it 'valid'.

If you have other problems getting the display to work, try connecting with "ssh -Y" instead of "ssh -X" to disable some security restrictions on X.

Final note: it is much, much faster to download the vis5d file (e.g. run.v5d) to your workstation/laptop and run vis5d locally, than it is to run over X-windows to Stampede.  Some very old links to precompiled binaries are available here; you might also build a new version of vis5d from the Vis5d+ web site.

NetCDF and VisIt

VisIt is a powerful multi-platform visualization tool.  See the Program 6 Vis page for more information on using it.

• Use plot3d to create data sets for VisIt.  The needed data format is NetCDF.  Here is an example of creating a NetCDF file from inside plot3d:

(already running plot3d)
Enter fields to plot, "all" for all fields, "?" for help, or "exit" to quit: netcdf  (tells plot3d we want to create a netcdf file)

Creating NetCDF data set; enter name of NetCDF file [return=run.nc]:        (I hit return, taking the default file name 'run.nc')
  5 times available; range:    0.00  800.00
Enter first time, last time, and interval: 0 800 200                                          (time min, max and  interval for which my data was available)
   5 times found -- range:    0  800
 Opening NCAR graphics
 Reading data
Storing to run.nc: T    T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: P    T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: U    T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: V    T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: W    T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: vort T=   0.0
Storing to run.nc: T    T= 200.0
Storing to run.nc: P    T= 200.0
(...omitted some lines here...)
Storing to run.nc: T    T= 800.0
Storing to run.nc: P    T= 800.0
Storing to run.nc: U    T= 800.0
Storing to run.nc: V    T= 800.0
Storing to run.nc: W    T= 800.0
Storing to run.nc: vort T= 800.0
 Closing NetCDF file.

The resulting file was about 2 MB in size.

Other visualization tools you might consider for this class, or your research:
  • Paraview
  • A number of other tools are available (e.g. MayaVi, OpenDX etc).
  • If you are aware of other vis tools that are multi-platform (e.g. Linux and Windows-or-Mac), please let me know.