Spring, 2019
Program 6:  Running on Stampede
ATMS 502 / CSE 566
Numerical Fluid Dynamic

Running program 6 on Stampede2 - notes:
  1. If you name your wind components "U" and "V", plot3d will be able to plot vorticity for you.
  2. Please send me PDFs, images, .doc files, .tar files, .tar.gz files, or .zip files; I have had difficulty reading .rar files in the past.
  3. Running on Stampede2:
    1. Interactive use:
      • Running faster on Stampede: Compiling on the front end login nodes is best, but running long-wallclock jobs is discouraged.  For long runs, use idev (interactive development tool) instead.. this is like starting a batch job that remains attached to your login session.  When logged on Stampede, you can type idev --help for more information, or see this web page
      • When typed without arguments, idev starts up a 30-minute batch job that gives you a full compute node (all 16 cores, even if you only use one) for that time.  Since under idev you are not sharing processors as you would on front-end login nodes, things should run quickly.  Compiling should work under idev, though, so just use it to run/test your compiled programs.
    2. Batch:
      • Long running jobs should be run in batch.  An added advantage is you can start up a batch job and logoff.
  • See ~tg457444/502/Pgm6/[C or Fortran]/*.deck for examples of job decks.
  • More on running jobs (including batch) on Stampede-2: see here.

Other Stampede notes:

1) when calling the putfield routine, remember that it (like our plotting routines in the past) does not know about ghost points.  It assumes arrays are fully (nx,ny,nz).  If your array contains ghost points, make sure you pass the full correct dimensions when calling putfield (could be nx+2 instead of nx, say, or NXDIM instead of NX in C). 

2) that said, Stampede is unforgiving if you pass (to a subroutine) or access an array which has not been completely defined.  For example, if you define an array with ghost points and try to plot it (or pass it to putfield) without having set those ghost point values, you may get an error.

Remember, you can always First copy your array w/ghost points to an array without ghost points, and pass that to putfield.  Or, in Fortran, call it with subscripting (this is completely OK, but if you have compiled with -check all, you will get warnings about "temporary arrays"):

  call putfield("T",0.0,theta(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz),nx,ny,nz)

Note: the second argument to putfield is expected to be a real number; use 0.0, not 0, as the latter could be incorrectly interpreted as an integer to pass to the routine, which causes unpredictable results (i.e. this is bad!)

3) Stampede may not reliably initialize variables to zero (common in Fortran on most machines), so if you do not initialize a variable, it could contain something odd.  In Fortran, you can compile with the -zero option to make sure all variables are set to zero before you set (or use) them.  If you are careful about setting every variable (or every array element) before accessing it, this is unnecessary.  

4) As a matter of habit, until you are running higher resolution 3d problems where speed is essential, I recommend compiling every routine with full debug options to the compiler.

In Fortran, I suggest the following settings (set everything after ncargf90 as the OPTIONS in your makefile)

  ncargf90 -g -O0 -traceback -check all -ftrapuv -fpe0 -zero  some_file.f90

-g ensures symbol information is preserved, for debugging use.
-O0 (first character is an upper case "o", second is the digit zero) specifies no optimization.
-traceback gives you line number/code info if the program fails.
-check all looks for running off the end of arrays.
-ftrapuv fails for any uninitialized variable (a variable was used before it was set).
-fpe0 triggers floating point exceptions if your code generates too-large or too-small numbers; the program halts.
-zero sets every variable to zero before your program runs (supposedly.  I'm not sure I trust it to do so, but it does no harm).

Note that only when you change such key makefile OPTIONS will you need to "make clean"
   and re-compile everything for those changes to take effect.
More on Fortran debugging options for various compilers are here.

In C, I recommend, as a minimum (yes, -traceback works on Stampede):

  ncargcc –g –debug extended -traceback some_file.c

... or you can go farther:

  ncargcc -g -debug extended -traceback -check-uninit -Wuninitialized -Wcheck  some_file.c

... in the latter, you may get a huge number of warnings, which you can suppress if you wish by adding the '-w' option (before your filename) to ignore (at your peril!) warning messages.

If your program stubbornly refuses to run and you can't find the error

Beyond the suggestions above, try these:
  1. Run your program 6 code within the debugger, e.g.

    gdb  name-of-your-p6-program    (gdb is the GNU debugger; info here)
    ... program prints out extra info if it fails ... hopefully.
    exit   (to leave the debugger)

  2. Run the valgrind program program to check memory.
    • On Stampede you will first need to:  module load valgrind/3.8.1   (module spider valgrid gives more info)
    • More on running Valgrind: see this page.