Spring, 2019
X-windows Information
ATMS 502 / CSE 566
Numerical fluid dynamics


X11 is a graphics protocol that lets remote systems (like Stampede) display plots on your PC.  Stampede sends plot data to your PC and your local software (X11) handles the plotting.  Note that Linux systems already have X-windows (X11) builtin, so only Macintosh (XQuartz) and Windows (e.g. Xming) need software installed on your machine.

General X-windows references and where you can get software

  1. Introduction to X (from Linux Information Project)
  2. Using X-windows (Stanford)
  3. X11 Forwarding and use (Univ. Pennsylvania)
  4. X11 on macintosh

Software links for Putty and Xming - for Windows

  • Xshell (recommended, for ssh): information is here
  • Putty (not recommended): information is here
  • Xming (for X11 plots from Stampede): information is here

Using X-windows on Windows PCs

For login sessions with Stampede in which you plan to use X-windows, do the following
  (provided you have set up X11 as described above):
  1. Start Xshell or Putty.
  2. You will need to configure Xshell (or Putty if you are using that) to send (tunnel)
      the graphics (X11 - Xwindows) data over the same connection.  See one of the following:
    1. Xshell tutorial - using X11 forwarding
    2. Configuring Putty and Xming
  3. Start Xming.
  4. Enter the hostname "stampede.tacc.utexas.edu" in the box at the top of the initial dialog.
  5. Click Open.
  6. The first time you connect to a host it is normal to get a warning message.
  7. Enter Username and Password when prompted.
The above was originally from Computing Guide for Atmospheric Sciences, by the School of Earth, Society and the Environment - Information Technology Support.